Are you a victim of domestic violence? If you're not quite sure who to turn to, here are a few resources where you can find support. These resources will suit you well if you are male. If you can`t find your Country in the list below, please ask us, and we will help you to find a resource for you.
The following list includes a small sampling of examples of domestic violence against men. Domestic abuse includes not only physical violence, but verbal, emotional, and financial violence as well.
Get help from a male-friendly domestic abuse support center if your partner:
Kicks, punches, slaps, or bites you (often, but not always, women target a man's groin)
Threatens you with weapons like knives, guns, baseball bats, irons
Purposely scalds or burns you
Throws objects at you
Commits violence against your children or pets
Violates court visitation orders by willfully stopping you from seeing your children
Verbally humiliates you in public or private
Constantly ridicules and makes fun of you
Calls you names and berates your self-worth
Blames your for her own failures
Destroys your personal items
Turns your children against you (parental alienation)
Threatens to ruin you financially if you leave her
Isolates you from family members or family functions, if your family is nearby
You are not weak. You are not to blame. You are not alone.